March 1, 2012

The view.

As I was waiting for the Demon to get out of school yesterday I noticed how pretty the sky was above me.

This was my view from the sun roof!  So pretty.  During the day we were hit with on and off heavy rain showers so this was a beautiful break in the gloomy day.  I think I heard over the radio that at one point in the day we actually hit 70°?! Crazy!!!  I've officially given up any hope of having a Winter snow day.  In fact I say bring on the heat!!  (maybe I can try reverse psychology on Mother Nature?)

I've shared on here, quiet a few times, the trouble the Demon has been having in school this year.  His grade have tanked.  His interims came home on Monday and it's no longer a question of if he's going to get a "F" in a subject... he currently has an "F" in social studies.  Not.  Okay.

I've been beyond frustrated with him.  Nothing I've done in the way of punishments have worked.  He's been grounded from everything.  He's not allowed outside.  I needed to find a way to motivate him to want to get good grades.  This is what I've decided to do...

a 5x7 picture frame turned dry erase board..with magnets on the fridge

He titled this idea "Awesome Hours!".  I went to my mommy friends in a complete "freak out" asking for help.  Someone mentioned rewarding him if he brings home good grades.  Normally, I would require him to wait until his report card to see an improvement before even thinking about allowing him any fun.  But, that means he continues to be grounded endlessly.  I don't know if you have kids that are anything like the Demon but, at this point, he couldn't care less to not have a life.  It's become his norm.

This had to change.  I needed him to get a taste of the good life and realize what he's been missing!

So.. for every grade "C" or above that he brings home on a quiz or test he will now earn 1/2 hour of free time to do with as he pleases.  If he brings me an "A" in one of the main subjects (Math, Science, Social Studies) he will earn an hour!  This free time accumulates throughout the week and will be used on the weekend.  Finally, he has something in the immediate future he can work toward.  Also, just like before, though, he can earn free time by going above and beyond with his house hold chores/school work. 

This is what he handed to me yesterday...

Yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay!   A "B" on a Science test!! I almost wanted to freak out and go ahead and give him an hour!!  But, I have to stay strong and be very consistent.  I want him to WANT to earn that "A".  I want him to know that I'm serious when I say he earns a 1/2 hour.. he will only get that 1/2 hour.   I need him to experience how great it feels to show off those good grades.  I want to be able to brag about him and his school work just as I brag about the wonderful young man he's becoming!

I am hopeful this new system is just what he has needed to put forth the extra effort to bring home the "A's".

Later today we see his Endocrine doctor and I can't wait to update everyone on his progress!


  1. I think this is an awesome idea!!! I hope it brings you the results you both need. When I went through this last year with Erik, like Kane, he became used to be being grounded and no longer cared either. I love this idea and think I'm going to steal it myself:)

  2. Feel free! He earned another 1/2 hour yesterday too. He brought home a "D" on a spelling test. Normally he has to write each word 10 times (for the teacher) but to earn extra time.. he wrote each incorrect word 50 times. I'm sure he won't be misspelling those words anymore!
