March 2, 2012

Nothing to complain about!

"would you PLEASE stop taking pictures of me!?!"

First things first - I love that the Demon is grounded from his iPod because now I have plenty of time to play.
I guess the appointment with Endocrine was a success?  He's still holding strong at 84lbs which is just where his GI Doctor wants him to be with his weight.  As far as his height goes he's remains in the 5th percentile.  Since October of last year he's grown almost an inch.  I assume that's not much but it's what we're used to and really no surprise.  He's been on the growth hormone almost a month now so we weren't exactly expecting a huge change today.  

They have the cutest little fire truck in the waiting room for the children waiting to enjoy.  However, I'm sure it's a petri dish for every germ imaginable.

While we waited in the exam room, we both had a little fun with the dry erase boards that are made available...

seriously, he's so sweet :)

haha.. I kill me.
Dr. K is happy with where the Demon is with his dosage so we continue with the treatment plan and are scheduled to see him again in 4 months.  When I asked how long he thought the Demon would have to be on the hormones he confirmed what I was afraid of... "most likely 2-3 years".  We continue to treat until his growth plates fuse - however long that takes.  I suppose the longer the better.

When we came home we were greeted with the daffodils in full bloom!  Lookin' good!

I can't believe it's already March!  I have a whole 'lotta catching up to do with this weight loss THING.

Enjoy your weekend!

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