February 29, 2012

What's on your fridge?

We recently decided it would be a good idea to start planning ahead with meals.  It's no surprise that when you plan ahead you can better avoid last minute fast food choices.  My plan was to grab a picture frame, a cute piece of paper, some letter stickers and use one of the many dry erase markers we have at the house.  All of that was thrown out the window (or back onto the shelves of Michael's) when I saw this chalkboard...

"KC's Diner"... that was the Demon's idea - to use our initials.

It was crazy hard to write on this with chalk!?  I am on the hunt for chalk markers and hoping they are easier to use.  It's also magnetic so it will be loads of fun to decorate.  As I was hanging the chalkboard, I had to remove a couple of the pieces of art that the Demon has drawn over the years.  He saw them sitting aside and was shocked!

"What are you doing with those!?  They have to go back up!!"

Of course, being the great mom that I am, (minus refusing to read his stories) I had to rearrange the whole refrigerator to be sure to put back everything I had taken down.

 below is just a sampling of what is on display.

This was drawn, freehand, when the Demon was about 8/9 years old.  He had just been given a "How to Draw Monsters" book and this was his first attempt!  Not bad at all.

This was given to me when the he was in Kindergarten!  I'm assuming it was for Mother's day, but because I was so lazy with dating and labeling... I can't be positive.

This is one of my most favorite of all the things the Demon has ever given me - also made in Kindergarten.  I'm not exactly sure what the material is that was used with this piece. It appears to be a double layer of a waxy paper with his leaves in between the sheets.  I think it was intended to be a place mat but it's been displayed on the side of the refrigerator since he handed it to me!  I. Love. It.

A crazy cute jellyfish!!!
LOL!  How cute!!  I completely forgot about this one.  It is usually on the side of the fridge because of this...

Mr.  Devil Kitty.. AKA Spike will not leave it alone!  I can't risk it being torn so it's been moved back against the wall.  I think this was given to me when he was in preschool.  He only attended preschool about a month or two before I pulled him (it was a very weird cult-like experience) but this was one of the few bright spots!

This is another favorite of mine.  This drawing was done at home.  It is me cutting the grass and the two other stick figures are the Demon and Beast - they are tossing a ball.  Again, I did not write a year on the back.  Grrr..I really regret not being more on top of things like that when he handed me these. 

 Let's this be a lesson to anyone reading this, especially those with small kids - Mark those pictures!!!

Finally, as I was paying extra attention to what was in front of me as opposed to just walking by every day not noticing my surroundings, I noticed this magnet...

Whoa!!  That brought back memories.  I have no idea where this came from but I recognize the facial expression of the panicked lady on the phone.  It's exactly how I looked when I was on the phone trying to find help for my flooded basement!!  I wish I had known we had this freakin' magnet during the great basement flood of 2011.  Maybe if I had, I wouldn't have nearly had a panic attack at 6am on that Monday morning!  Let's just hope and pray that I never need to know this phone number for any type of sewer emergency in the future.

So.. what's on your fridge?  Is it an organized cluttered piece of artwork like mine or do you keep it the bare minimum?


  1. Mine is a work of art (complete mess). Due to the four kids, its covered in art work. I rotate the pics every few weeks/months when Jeff bitches enough about it. Apparently, it the pics start falling each time you try to open the doors then its time to remove some:)
