March 9, 2012

Trains..and other random crap.

Depending on which way I decide to go to work, I may cross up to three railroad tracks.  These pictures are from Wednesday and, between my drive to and from work, I hit three trains.  *($@!  It never fails that I will hit at least one if I'm running late.  I've wasted a lot of my life waiting for trains to pass and I've come to a serious conclusion.  I think it should be mandatory that each train car should have some form of graffiti displayed!  I think the wait would be so much more enjoyable with something awesomely creative to view.

Speaking of signage (okay, well graffiti is not technically a "sign" but work with me here..) this sign was recently put up on the playground at school.

How awful is it that this sign was needed?  I mean, it's a SCHOOL playground.   What idiots would've had to have been speeding through there that would have prompted the need for this reminder?!  But, apparently it was necessary.  

I have noticed, while waiting on the demon to come out of school, 2 very large birds that circle the chimneys.(smoke stacks?  what would the tall chimney like things on a school be called?)  I want to get a picture of these birds!  Of course, since I have been carrying my camera with me, I haven't seen them.  Hopefully, I will soon.

It's Friday!!  I have nothing planned at all and I like it that way.   Enjoy your weekend!

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