March 12, 2012

Through the eyes of the Demon...

Friday we had an appointment at Children's with the surgeon.  The appointment was quick and painless and we're supposed to go back in 3-6 months.  As we were driving down our street I had the idea of giving the Demon the camera for the ride to and from and leaving all the picture choices up to him.  These are a few of what he thought would make a great shot.

As we drive to Children's we probably pass 5 churches and at one point I told him that he should get a shot of the church to our left.    I noticed in the mirror he was taking a picture and when it snapped I asked him to let me see (we were at a red light).  Uh... this is what he showed me.  I suppose this shot is more interesting to a 13 yr old boy.  LOL

Of course, if you're documenting the drive from our house to Children's you must include this picture.

If we do not take the highway we cross 3 sets of train tracks.  

 I love the shots he got of the trains...

Right before we get to the hospital we pass the Cincinnati Zoo.  

I am in LOVE with this picture that he captured of the walkway over Vine Street.

As we were driving home he was able to just catch the St. Bernard that sits in front of the grocery store.

Other than the picture that I thought he was taking of the church I didn't look at any of the pictures until we got home.  Even with the window glare, I am very impressed with his ability to grab a picture in a moving car.  I really enjoyed seeing what he thought was worthy of snapping and I think I'm going to do more blogs like this in the future.  I hope you all enjoyed these as much as I did!