March 13, 2012

Top Ten V.14

Just a few of the things I learned from watching A&E on a Saturday afternoon..

01.  Between Pinterest and a weekend mini marathon of Flip this House my urge to purge and try to fix up my house is even stronger!  But.. I pretty much did nothing over the weekend.  :)
02.  After watching Flip this House, there seems to be a lot of hot dudes that work in flipping houses.
03.  I've never watched an episode of Billy the Exterminator and, from the commercials that air during almost every single break, I have learned that he's SO annoying I don't believe I'm missing much.  He reminds me of a cross between Kid Rock, Ted Nugent, Steve Irwin, and Billy Ray Cyrus.  Eeks.
04.  Last week I woke up to our tub being completely clogged.  How does that even happen!?  The night before the Demon never reported any issues yet I was standing in water the next morning.  Grrr.  After a call to the plumber and $87 later I had free flowing pipes again.  Since watching the mini marathon of Flip this House and shelling out close to $100 for a 30-45 minute job, I am even more confident that I need to find a plumber/handyman to marry.
05.  Is there a reason why Dog the Bounty Hunter doesn't cut his hair?  It's gross.  At the very least, he could trim the top or style it in a way that doesn't look so bleached out and fried.  However, I could watch his son, Leland, all day long. 
06.  Duck Dynasty!?  If you haven't seen this commercial, you should.  Who comes up with such ideas for television shows!?  More importantly, who watches them!?!  Is this a real family that does real work or is this for a show?  Weird.
07.  Watching commercials for Parking Wars will always make me laugh.
08.  Storage Wars...  I've never watched the show but my Momma does each week and always asks me "hey did you see ____ on storage wars?".  Seeing the previews - over and over and over again - had me interested.  Thanks to my On Demand stations I was able to waste more of my life over the weekend catching up on the idea behind this show.  I may have to add this show to my list.  Thank God for On Demand!
09.  What I learned from watching Storage Wars On Demand is.. the target audience for On Demand Storage Wars must be women with thinning hair.  Every single break in the show a commercial came on recommending a product for women's hair loss.  Every episode that I watched.   I found that to be extremely strange. 
10.  Finally... the most important thing that I've learned is that turning on A&E on a weekend day will lead to absolutely nothing good.  No cleaning, no organizing, no laundry.. hell not even a shower!  What it did do is make me want to go through my house and find all the antique crap and get it appraised.  :)

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