March 14, 2012

13 Years, and I still don't feel it?

Notice:  This post will probably only mean something to the reader if they are a parent.

The Demon while in the RNIC.. a couple months old.

Have you ever had that moment where you were sitting there thinking nothing at all and then a random thought pops into your mind?  I had that moment the other day.  I thought to myself... "I'm really a mother?"  It's not the first time I've had this thought... I've had it before when the Demon was much younger, too.

1st Birthday!

Why would I still feel this way at times?  It's not that I don't love him, because if you know nothing at all about me other than he is my world...then you'd know most everything about me.  But, I still don't feel like I am a mother.  

love this face.


Just look at those lashes!

There are times when I feel like I'm much too immature to be a parent.  A lot of times I feel that way.

Not only that but I feel much too irresponsible too.

having fun during construction on our street.

5 yrs old.

Am I really a role model?  Am I someone that he can be proud of, seriously?  I honestly don't know.  

First day of Kindergarten

I always looked at my Momma and thought about how motherly she was to my brother and me.  Very nurturing.  I don't know that I've ever really felt motherly.  I know that he and I have a great relationship and that he feels comfortable talking to me about anything.  But I wonder about that specific motherly "gene".  Does he see me as motherly?  Does he have to see me that way?

I've often wondered if other parents feel this way.  He's 13 years old and I still don't feel like a mom.  I'm not even sure the purpose of this blog.  Maybe I just need to know that I'm not the only one that feels this way? 

Do you feel like a parent?

 I'm so very proud of the young man he's becoming so I must be doing something right.  Right?


  1. I know exactly how you feel! Even with having the four kids, I still find that just the thought of being a mom can take my breath away. Erik is 13 as well, so you really would think we'd be used to this by now, but you are not alone at all. Having that title of "The Mom", in my opinion, can be scary, overwhelming, and shocking. I guess all we can do it hope that we are doing the job right. As for you, I think you are an amazing mom! You would (and do) anything and everything that Kane needs. He's so blessed to have you as his MOM! :)

    1. It blows my mind thinking back to when we were walking around the zoo with both boys in strollers! <3
