March 6, 2012

Top Ten V.13

I don't have anything too witty to say to introduce this Top Ten so I'm going to just jump right into the fun!

01.  I have been waking up every.single.morning with a headache.  I know part of the problem is my clenching (I really need to wear my mouth guard) but I think another huge part of the issue is not have a good pillow.  For years I have always bought cheapie pillows and they've been just fine.  I thought, maybe, if I shell out a little more than $5 for a pillow I'd see an improvement.  WELL, I shelled out $10 for a pillow (which I think is more than I ever wanted to spend on a freakin' pillow) and I've had not much relief.  I guess I'm going to have to break down and spend some serious dough on a pillow.  If anyone reading has any idea of a great, comfy pillow.. I'm open for suggestions!

02.  It's been over a year since my Momma has been next door and I still have random empty hooks all over the place.  She took quite a few of her pictures with her and I've yet to really look for replacements.  I saw this picture (below) and thought it matched really well with the paint color, and it was cheap, so I broke down and got it for the second floor hallway.  I really need to head to Big Lots or a Dollar Store to try to find some random (inexpensive) artwork.

03.  Hmm, is it normal to have fire extinguishers in your home?  My Grannie has never had one but growing up my step dad equipped our house with 2.  When I was about 12, the one in the kitchen came in handy since I did catch a paper towel on fire and thought I should carry it to the sink.  Well, at that age, I was unaware of the fact that - once picked  up - the flame would engulf the paper towel and head straight for my hand!  I dropped the paper towel on the wood kitchen floor.  So much drama!  Really, it was far too much headache for my lame chicken noodle soup that I had insisted on making all by myself.  But, in a panic, I grabbed the extinguisher and sprayed everywhere.  (that stuff is a nightmare to clean up)  That extinguisher hasn't been serviced since.  The second one was on the second floor ....

... however, I have no idea where it went.  Should I consider replacing it or just remove this plastic holder?  I know I should replace it given our track record of catastrophes around this house, but is it normal?  Do you have them in your house?

04.  Yesterday, despite taking my B12 and multivitamin, I was exhausted all day.  I did fight taking a nap which is a plus.  Hopefully today will be better.

05.   What ever happened to the Catholic "ole reliable" grilled cheese on Fridays during lent?

There has to be a better meatless option to switch it up for these kids on Fridays during lent!  Fish sticks?

06.  Yesterday we woke up to some snow!  It wasn't much at all but it made the drive into work pretty.

07.  Last week I showed off the chalkboard menu and complained of how difficult it was to write on the freakin' thing with chalk.  I couldn't find chalk pens anywhere so I went to trusty Amazon.  They were quickly delivered and I must say, I LOVE the results.

(the smiley faces indicate that I'm on my own for dinner)

Not only are they easy to write with but the colors are so vibrant and they don't wipe off without water.  Um.. I just realized I spelled Saturday wrong. LOL  That's great.

08.  Each week the Demon does his own laundry.  He then is supposed to fold it and put everything away.  He is also supposed hang up his school clothes.  I took this picture Monday.  He did his laundry and put everything away Sunday afternoon.

Seriously?  ( I find myself saying "seriously!!??" a lot with my kid. )  Where in the world are his uniforms for school?  What am I going to DO with this child.  Geez.

09.  I find myself having less patience recently than ever before. I'm very moody and short with everyone.. more so than my usual short tempered self.  I need to make a conscious effort to work on this situation because I really do not like being in a negative mood all of the time.  I'm pretty confident that people around me would appreciate a happier, more positive chic.

10.  The school sent home registration forms for the 2012-2013 year.  Argh!!  I have to put up $100 if I want to preregister the Demon for next year.  If I don't, I don't get the discounted rate.  However, it's non refundable.  Which means, if he doesn't get his little butt in gear and bring those grades up and I decide to throw him into the public school system, I'm out that $100.  I've shown him the forms and informed him that it's entirely up to him, and his dedication to improving his grades, on whether or not I fill it out and send it back to the school.  I hope he takes me seriously because if I put up that money and he doesn't come through?  he's going to be repaying me that $100!


  1. I'm also in search of a good pillow let me know if you find one. As for the fire extinguisher, I have one buried under my kitchen cabinet crap. I'm pretty sure the house will burn down before I'm able to find it and get it out of the pots and pans chaos.

    1. LOL! That's exactly how underneath my kitchen sink looks too...a mess! I guess I will have to do some research on pillows & I will let you know what I find.
