March 15, 2012

Money well spent!

I had a Sam's Club membership years ago but let it expire because I really was not taking advantage of the deals.  It wasn't so much that I didn't want to shop there, it was more about not having room to store the large packages of everything they sell.  A week or so ago I started to do some research between the Costco and Sam's memberships.  Sam's was cheaper so that where I decided to go. 

After my first trip I started to think I made a mistake.  The toilet paper that I was hoping to find wasn't there.. his hiney is very brand specific.  The packages were just as big, if not bigger, than I had remembered.  There is no way I can possibly store 36 freakin' eggs in my fridge.  I felt like I just threw away my money....

I did find one amazing thing on that first trip (that isn't at all new) and I took a risk with buying it because I had never eaten it before.  With this diet, a string cheese is a low point (normally) yummy treat.  A few weeks ago I had a coupon for Sargento Light string cheese.  BLECH. I was so disappointed and really regretted not buying what I had in the past - the Weight Watcher's string cheese.  Well, getting back to Sam's, I stumbled upon big bags of Mini Babybel Light Cheese.  The Demon was hesitant to try the "Light" cheese but he dove right in and loved it!  Each little cheese is also just 1 point and so much better than any string cheese that I've ever eaten.  Score!  I'll never go back to string cheese again.

However, even if I found absolutely nothing on that first trip, what I found the next day online blew me away. 

A little back story:  The Demon has to take about 20 anti diarrheal caplets a day.  He ran out on Thursday so I knew we had to run to CVS or Walgreens (they are both close).  Here is the price breakdown for nearby stores for:    
Because of the price we would always go to Walmart but, on Thursday we didn't have the time.  We ran into CVS and I was stunned by the price.  I bought a small box of 24 for $6.29.  Basically, 1 day = $6.  I planned on running to Walmart the next day and, once again, stocking up on their 72 count.  

Then it hit me... check Sam's website.  I can't explain the reaction I had when I saw their price.

Yes.  You are reading that correctly. 

I wanted to clear the shelf!!  But, I only bought 3 packages. 

I think the $40 I spent on this membership may just have been the best $40 I've spent in a long, long time!

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