March 29, 2012

A little ugly truth.

The point of this blog?  I'm hoping to be able to rock some awesome before/after pictures.
 This is what you will see if you walk into the side door to my garage.

And, this is what you will see from the top of my pool ladder.

I don't know if you can tell or not from this picture, but there is actually a porcelain bathroom sink in there.

I do not ever remember seeing this sink in either house.

If you're still with me and haven't passed out from shock just yet.. let's delve deeper into this mess.

That dark brown piece of furniture is an antique Victrola phonograph.  Really.
 After watching hours upon hours of Storage Wars, it may be a smart move to bring that inside.
I didn't even know there was a cedar chest in here, who it belonged to, or what it contains.
Why am I holding on to that baby crap?!
I have no idea what is in those boxes.

This is a Jeep.  
 It was given to my Momma before I was born and she doesn't remember the exact year.
 40's or 50's?

There was once a curious, adorable toddler that was left unattended in her mother's car.
She thought the gear shift looked particularly fun.
This cute little girl thought taking the car out of "park" was the appropriate thing to do... 
The car rolled back and knocked the Jeep off the blocks.
After that, the Jeep found its permanent home in the our garage.

Thankfully, the beautiful creature wasn't harmed and is now able to tell you all the - on this blog.

The freaking steering wheel is on the right side of the vehicle. 
 The wrong side.
It's a rusted piece of crap taking up so much space!
I wonder if this would be worth anything, to anyone.  And if they'd be willing to haul this POS outta here.
I guess I will have to do some research.

This is a portion of what was taken out of the basement to safety during the flood.
 This weekend we are starting clearing out this mess by bringing this container inside.
I intend on buying some more shelving for the basement.  
We have to start somewhere and I have to start small or I will get very overwhelmed and give up.
Ideally, this garage will be cleared out and organized by June.

I'm pretty scared about what living (or even worse...dead) creatures we may stumble upon.

Pray for us! I'm exhausted just looking at these pictures.

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