March 28, 2012

I told him so.

*Warning:  this post contains a lot of pictures.  And by a lot I mean, too many.  But, I don't care.*

The other day the Demon decided to take a puzzle apart that he's had on display since he received it as a gift years ago.

Excuse the quality.. I cropped a larger photo.

Keep in mind that I was completely against this plan.  I know the Demon.  He lacks patience. (Just like his momma.)

There wasn't a chance in hell that he was going to reconstruct this snake.

You can see how thrilled he is, right?

Truck was nosy.  

This was taking for-e-ver.

Finally!  He got one piece together, and was able to put the pin through the eyes.  This resulted in a huge smile!

... a lot more left to figure out.

Seriously, this picture was taken about 20 minutes after the first one.

So determined!

YES!  Another piece!  And, another huge smile!!

Now... it was around this time when I realized I wasn't being annoyed by the dog.

Instead of sitting in front of me like a good boy..

This is what he was doing.

I couldn't stop laughing as I was snapping pictures..

These were the Demon's cookies!! hahahaha

Eventually his gross tongue made contact with these treats.  But, that was all the treat he got.  A small taste.

Of course, the Demon..being the gross out kid that he is.. ate the cookies!

Okay.. back to the puzzle.  By this point in time it had been about 45 minutes and he had officially give up.

And, Spike had become curious.

He got a ziploc bag and proceeded to bag up the pieces.


I have a feeling that I'm going to be the one to finish this puzzle.

However, I have even less patience than the Demon.  

Enjoy your Hump Day!

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