February 28, 2012

He's always doing *something*.

The Demon really has creative blood coursing through his veins.  He loves to draw, write, sing, and dance!  He enjoys painting and, basically, anything crafty.  Almost every time we are at any sort of store he's asking for another journal type of book.  It's gotten to the point that if he wants a new book he must buy it for himself.  

Because of his grades, he's been grounded from most everything electronic.  His after school activities consist of homework, studying, dinner, studying, and some reading.  Once he is finished for the evening he has a little free time to do with what he likes and last night he chose to write.  He grabbed one of his new journals and went to town...

He started by drawing lines on each page.  When he bought this book I thought he was intending to use this for drawing but he's choosing to write.  

He lined about 3 pages before he got down to business.  So intense!  He takes everything very seriously.

He has so many different ideas running through that head of his that, normally, he will have more than one story going at a time.  He's always very excited to share his stories too, so much so that he won't even finish one before he gives it to my Momma to read.  She's always quick to help proof-read and offer suggestions.  Sometimes he takes her suggestions and will continue to work on the story.  Most of the time, he sets that story aside and moves on to the next project.

Because he frequently will start an idea and not follow through to the end of a story, I will usually turn him down when he asks me to read the first few pages.  Does that seem mean?  I want him to write a story from beginning to end and then let me read.  He's so easily distracted and I really wish he would focus on one story with one beginning and one ending.  I want closure!  I've read quite a few beginnings only to wait and wait for the ending that never comes.  He always leaves me hangin'.

I don't know what the title of this story is just yet, but, I do hope he stays focused long enough to write a beginning, middle, and ending so that I can finally read another one of his completed masterpieces!

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