February 21, 2012

Top Ten V.12

Whoa!  It's been over a month since I posted a Top Ten.  I have started a couple but lost focus and went with a different topic.  Let's hope I can concentrate long enough to complete this one.  Instead of a themed Top Ten this one is going to be awesome randomness.

01.  It's 2/21/12 and work is c.r.a.z.y!  Two months to go... two months to go. (If you've happened upon my blog and are unaware of what I do... I work with an accountant and we're right in the middle of our busiest time.)

02.  I've noticed quite a few new readers to my humble, little blog!  If you're reading this and feel compelled to comment, please do!  I don't bite... hard.  I'd also love to know where you're finding me.  :)

03.  For my whole life I've been awful with remembering to take any sort of pill religiously.  Since January, I've tried really hard to consistently take B12 & a multivitamin.  It's taken a month for me to really notice a difference in my energy level but I am happily surprised!  I used to want to crash at work.  Honestly, I would almost doze off while working.  While I was hoping that it would energize me enough to get me off the couch and motivated to work out.. it hasn't.  I'm still looking for that pill!

04.  I have approx.  2.4lbs to lose before I hit the 10lb mark!  I was aiming for a 5lb weight loss per month.  I know that a 10lb goal is shooting low but, for me, I am very easily discouraged.  I can't sit around and hope for more and if/when I don't hit that goal get frustrated and stuff my face with crap!  (Because.. that WILL happen.)

05.  Reality TV, reality TV, reality TV!  For the past few years, Survivor has really left me wanting more and very disappointed with the outcome.  Survivor started it's new season last Wednesday and I swore up and down I wouldn't watch!  I watched. Thankfully, I was (again) disappointed!  After watching the first episode I feel even more validated in my decision to forget about this show.  Lame!   However, on Sunday, The Amazing Race also began its new season.  I am not sure I will ever grow tired of this reality show.  I love everything about it and can't imagine a way to improve the format but each year The Amazing Race manages to outdo itself.  Bravo!  I'd love to do a Top Ten of reality TV but I'm not sure I can narrow the list to just ten.

06.  The Demon is still, very much, struggling in school.   I don't think I've seen a math test with a grade higher than a "F".  I'm not sure how he manages to pull in a "D" on his report card unless his homework really brings up the average.  It's so hard for me to find the perfect balance between "nagging, PITA" mom and the "you're old enough to know what you need to do and if you fail you fail" mom.  I'm really torn on what I need to do... what is best for him at this point in time.

07.  I've lost my organizational mojo.

08.  My Grannie has officially lost her keys!  I know the frustration of losing something and having no memory at all of where I may have left the item so I can sympathize.  Since Saturday she, along with the Beast & Demon have been scouring her house for those keys.  To say that she is frustrated would probably be an understatement.  I can make a copy of her front door key for her but as far as the back door, I don't have a copy.  Not only has she lost her keys but on Friday she spent extra time at the hair dresser because she forgot my phone number and was unable to call to let me know she was ready.  I suppose it's time to write up a note card and leave place it in her purses so that this will never happen again.

09.  Today is Fat Tuesday which means tomorrow begins my "no meat" Lenten experience.  I have no doubt I can go meat free but I have not decided what else I am going to sacrifice.  Each Lent I either sacrifice or promise to do something during this time.  I have trouble with promising to work out every day so I'm not going to set myself up for failure.  I'm sure once I figure out what I want to do, you all will know.  :)

10.  I love the fact that the Demon is not afraid to be himself even if, maybe, it's not always the coolest thing in the world.  He never worries about turning his clothes right side out or even matching on a daily basis.  He proudly admits to loving to read and continues to ask for books as gifts even when he's teased for doing so.  I'm not sure where he got these sock but he loves to wear them around the house.  They're so soft and comfy!

I am sure if more people were comfortable enough to be themselves and accept other people for being themselves the world would be in a better place.  Enjoy your day!

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