February 20, 2012

Impromptu Games!

It was Saturday morning and my cell rang...  It was my brother informing me it was about time for GAME NIGHT!  WOOOT!  We haven't had a true - everyone over to my house - game night in months.  After I hung up I started texting my friend and he was in!  6 of us gathered around my small dining room table for a night of fun, laughs, and serious competition.  I wasn't in the mood to break out the camera and take pictures of everything throughout the night but I did snap a few of Spike trying to get in on the action.

Eying the top of my table...

Grrr... he's trying to get Spike on my table!

"Hey!  You're encouraging him do what we yell at him all the time for doing!"

Okay, that's a little better but he's still on my table!

 Spike loves the attention.  He loves being involved in the festivities.

And I had to include this picture.  He's such a good looking kid even when he's being crazy silly.

Sporting a fresh haircut and chip clip earrings.

Enjoy your Monday.

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