February 9, 2012

One down...

Like I mentioned yesterday, the Demon received his first hormone injection last night.  I should clarify when I say "injection" because there are no needles involved.  According to the Saizen website the device uses a "spring mechanism" to push the medication into the skin.  But don't let the fact that the device is needle free lead you to believe there is no blood.  There was definitely blood.. however, there was very little pain.

Before I go on any further I have to mention how amazing Connections for Growth has been with helping to get this device covered under the insurance that the Demon has right now.  The case manager and insurance gurus went above and beyond and made it possible that we have zero out of pocket for the next 12 months!

Now.. on to the fun stuff!

the protective carrying case.

 Below is the actual device.  The yellow piece is the "trigger". 

By pushing the yellow trigger this piece (below) comes into contact with the skin. Next, we hold the device against the skin for a full 5 seconds and then hold a piece of gauze over the site for 30 additional seconds.  Then, the Demon has to hold a tissue or piece of gauze against the site.  Because this isn't an actual needle injection, by hold pressure to the site it ensures the most possible amount of solution is pushed through the skin.  Once he removed the tissue we thought we were in the clear and the Demon pulled his pant leg down.  Whew!  Not long after that we noticed there was a spot of blood on his pants.  It was strange but now we know what to expect.

Can you see the little bruise that formed?  This picture was taken almost 24 hours later.  The little red dot is where the "hole" was put into his skin and the medicine pushed through.

Can you see it now?  Not too bad.  It seems like a small price to pay for the potential benefits.

Last night we went to the basement and made a mark on the wall - almost a "starting point".  We want to document his height each month.  I'm so scatter-brained but I hope to remember and I will be sure to update everyone as we travel this growth hormone journey.

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