February 8, 2012

More of the Unknown.

This is the note the Demon left for me Monday night.  I saw it before bedtime and I replied.  Today we enter the world of human growth hormoneToday he receives his first injection.  I won't lie and say I'm excited.  I'm not excited.  This is not the road I wanted to take but I have to support the Demon.  He has lived through so much during his 13 years that would leave many of us crying out "why me!?"  but, not him.  He has rarely complained over the course of his Ulcerative Colitis roller coaster.  Little complaints about having to go to the bathroom 16 times a day.  He rarely complaining of enemas and 26 pills a day.  He never complained about getting little to no sleep then heading to school for the day.  Hell, the only time he complained during the two surgeries was one night when the ostomy bag refused to stay adhered.

Over the course of the last 4 years he has had only one constant complaint... his height.

He wants to be taller.

I never knew the depths that his height bothered him until we were in a doctor's office, almost a year ago.  I was shocked when he opened up to the nurse and doctor.  Why them?  He and I are so close and I had no real idea how upset his was about his height.  It was after that appointment that I had to take in a deep breath and leave everything to God.  I have to believe that he has brought us to this point and I have to have faith that this is what is right, for my son.

I've never been one to preach the whole "Let go, and let God.."  but this is what I've had to learn to live since deciding on the surgery last year.  We've done everything on our end to boost his growth and this is the last resort.  For me, a very scary decision.  It's all very unknown to me, but, I have to believe that everything is falling into place and that deciding on the growth hormone is the right choice. 

I have to believe it, if not for me....for the Demon. 

1 comment:

  1. HUGS and prayers for both of you <3

    My little brother, now 21....but everyone thinks he's about 14, is 5'1" and about 90 lbs. His size has always hard on him. I wish that the HGH would have been an option for him. I think it's much harder on boys. It breaks my heart.

    You are such a great mom and K is such an amazing young man. You are so blessed to have each other. You will make it through this just as you have all the other challenges. Whether you know it or not, you both are always in my heart and prayers <3
