February 27, 2012

Another find!

A few weeks back, after cleaning out one of my Momma's closets, I found a little wooden jewelry box.

aww!  see my little gnome in the background.. he protects me while I sleep.

I think this was a gift sent to my Momma from a pen pal that she had growing up, from Japan.  It's very fragile. I opened the drawers and they were filled with little knickknacks.  This is one of the drawers...

Freaky doll!!  LOL Wtf?!  I think the pink and blue safety pins may be diaper pins?  Someone can correct me if I'm wrong...which I am much of the time.  But really, what in the world is up with that doll?

And...why is it naked!?  There are no markings on this thing (thank God), but it has freaky dot eyes that seem to be staring into my soul if I look at "it"  for more than 5 seconds.

This blog is going to be published before I ask my Momma the whole story behind this box and this weirdo doll.  I will be sure to let you all know the real deal about this little guy as soon as I get the scoop.

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