February 24, 2012

Completely Unprepared.

Why didn't I go to the grocery store and stock up for a meatless Lent?  Grrrrr.  This is what I've been living on since Wednesday...

Weight Watchers Three Cheese Ziti meals.  While they are one of my favorite frozen meals that WW has to offer, I am already sick of 'em.  I need variety but the only other meals I have stocked in my freezer include meat.  Speaking of Weight Watchers, this week I've bombed with this diet.  I'm pretty sure I'm not going to weigh in this week.  I know stepping on that scale and seeing a big gain is going to frustrate me to the point of no return.  I know this is my fault.  I know.  I know.

Tonight I'm heading to dinner with some of my good friends!  I am very excited to have some girl time.  Tonight will be the one and only time I have to will "cheat" on my Lenten promise.  This year the second sacrifice I have chosen to do is no eating after 8pm.  So far, it's just as hard as I was expecting it to be.  I've gone to bed hungry and have woken up starrrrving.  And, it seems that we all choose to go out to eat during Lent.  For the past few years we have met up and each time I've had to cheat.  But, if I'm going to burn in the fiery pits of hell, I will do it for these ladies!

Finally, I want to leave you all with a very awkward picture that was taken last weekend.  The Demon came in and requested my presence in the backyard.  He and the Beast were playing basketball.  I should clarify.. they were shooting hoops, because, (as this photo indicates) I'm not sure the actual game of basketball was being played..

And, because we all know that my mind is similar to that of a 13 yr old boy... I busted out laughing!

Enjoy your weekend.  I am kid free and plan on sleeping.  A lot.

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