February 16, 2012

2 Thumbs up!

The reaction after being told "no scopes!" today at the doctor appointment.  He's doing great.  His trips to the bathroom have decreased from roughly 12-14 times (including night) to 1 trip overnight and 5-6 during the day.  We're still hopeful that they will go down to 4-5 during the day with some time.  Since January 19th, he's grown 1/2 an inch!  That's fantastic!!  They are also very happy with his weight.  For his height, he's completely on track at 84lbs.

As we were leaving I stopped at the front desk to schedule his 3 month (yes!! 3 month) follow up and then we made the trek to the Jeep in the bowels of  the Children's Hospital's parking garage. When I told him that we don't have to see Dr. F until May he said "Then it will be one year since my surgery."

Wow!  One.  Year.  

I almost can't believe it's almost been a year.  I'm so thankful I went through with the decision.  He's thankful (most days) that it's over and done with.  I have to admit, I was a bit nervous going today.  I was sure Dr. F was going to suggest the scopes.  I was wrong!!  I didn't mind being wrong.. today.

Today was a good day.

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