January 5, 2012

It's only the 5th...


there.  I feel a bit better.  anyone that knows me also probably knows I work for an accountant.  we are entering our "busy season".  usually that means I'm normally ready, willing and able not really able to partake in many adult beverages after my day.  it's almost like december 30th was a normal day but, when I returned after the holiday the world falls apart.  hate it!  april 15th can't come soon enough.

I'm on day, what?... 4 or 5 of this Weight Watchers diet "lifestyle change".  I am not going to lie, I've cheated a lot - mostly with peppermint Hershey kisses.  but, they are finally gone and as of yesterday I've been candy free.   I did add them to my food tracker as I would remember.  it's not easy getting back into the routine of posting each and everything I eat throughout the day.   I've also managed to dance a couple days as well.  not too shabby!  I haven't hit the "I hate everyone and everything" wall yet but I'm sure it's coming.  however, for now, I'm enjoying 2012!

oh yeah, I am still in the (very long) process of removing the Christmas 2011 label from all of my posts.  I guess it's a good thing I didn't blog very much last year or else this whole ordeal would take me even that much longer.  a silver lining i suppose.

one of the other goals I have been (so far) successful with is the "no computer time while the Demon is awake".  it's not even been that hard to do!  okay, well I do use the computer to enter in my WW food after dinner.. but that doesn't count.  trust me, it's not something I enjoy doing.  not being on the computer has been a big plus for me, mentally.  I imagine if my moms site was still around, staying off the computer would be a lot more difficult.  my curiosity would eventually have taken over by now and my need to catch up on the most recent trainwreck and fantastic drama would win and I'd be all over that damn site.  now?  not so much.  I can catch up on FB pretty quickly after the Demon is in bed.  not only that, if anything good online does go down, I'm sure I'll quickly hear about it via text.  :)

.. until tomorrow.

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