January 18, 2012

More than words...

...have to be used to properly describe what I went through yesterday.  I needed photographic evidence.  No jury in the world would convict me after seeing these pictures.

These are supposed to be folded and put on his closet shelves..

apparently, the bag of WTF!? is garbage that he cleaned out of the toybox... in the picture below (3 weeks ago)

the contents of these drawers vary from.. underwear, shorts, sweats, jeans, t-shirts - all rolled into one large ball.

no comment.

I can't even comprehend how a shelf gets messed up when it's never disturbed?!

the only thing that should be in this space?  his bean bag chair.

really?  all the available hangers and he chooses to leave clothes everywhere. (see the shelves?!)

The curtains seen in the top photo used to be in this drawer.

Lord, give me strength!

edit:  I went back in this blog because I remembered doing this same thing awhile back.  I searched and searched.. sure enough - almost exactly a year later!  We're back to THIS same place!?

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