January 17, 2012

I can't make this stuff up...

This morning I received a phone call from the Demon shortly after I arrived at work.  It went a little something like this.

Demon:  Um, all of the seventh graders got soaked!  Can you bring me some dry clothes?
Me:  How did you all get soaked?!
Demon:  We went to the library.
Me:  What?!  Why would you walk to the library?!
it's pouring sheets of rain...Demon:  I don't know but we're all soaked.  Can you bring me some gym shorts?
Me:  Huh?  If you're wet you need warm dry clothes.. I'll bring you sweats.
Demon:  I'd rather have shorts.
Me:  I'd rather NOT to have to walk out in this weather to bring you anything.. so you choose.
Demon:  Sweats.

Now.. I left work.  Walking to the car wasn't too bad.  As I got home, walking from the Jeep to the house was not too bad.  Here is where things started to drastically go downhill.  I enter the Demon's room and could not find a single pair of useable pants?!!  He supposedly did his laundry yesterday as well as fold and put everything away.  But, where in the hell were his clothes!?  

What I did find was a drawer stuffed with old curtains.  WTF?!  I saw underwear mixed throughout every drawer.  There were fleece sweat shirts all over the place.  T-Shirts mixed in with pajamas that were mixed in with sweatpants (that were obviously too small).  I had no idea where his clean clothes where.. you know - the clothes he just washed, folded and put away the night before.  Finally, after 10 minutes of looking around his room, I just grabbed a pair of school pants that I saw hanging in the closet.

Off to school.... well, I should clarify.  What was once the school playground only 30 minutes ago had been turned into a lake; a lake of rushing water around an inch - 2 inches deep.  I put out the umbrella and took off.  I knew if I ran I'd only be more wet so I quickly walked to the door.  With each step I could feel my blood pressure rising.  The Demon is called to the office and I go to meet him at the bottom of the steps....

Demon:  Oh, I should have asked for some dry socks.
Me:  First, shut your mouth. Next,.. WHERE is all your clothes?!  Finally, I hope you suffer the rest of the day with wet, gross socks!!!!!  I know I will!!!

Ugh!!!!  After that ordeal, it should be no surprise to anyone - especially the Demon - when his weekend is spent purging and organizing his room.  

Oh, and I'm SICK of the rain.  And, as soon as I find out who thought it was a good idea to walk a group of kids in this rain down and across the street to the library, they are getting an ass whoopin'. 

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