January 25, 2012

Got cheese?

We have been ordered to put weight on the Demon.  Monday, while grocery shopping, he decides he wants a huge block of cheese.  How could he do this to me!!??  I love all things cheese.  I could eat some form of cheese for every meal.  Then a cheesy snack. Anyway, the point of this post is to demonstrate how one must be sure to specify exactly how much cheese is appropriate for a snack.

But, before I can show you all his snack I must tell you how we got to this point.  Monday, after I put all the groceries away, I walked into the living room as saw him holding this HUGE block of cheese and taking bites directly from the block. I was stunned!  And, just like most events in my life, I flashed to a scene from Seinfeld....

After freaking out on him by informing him that we're not freakin' animals and that normal human beings CUT their cheese into slices, I obviously then said the wrong thing - "I don't care how much you slice for your snack but you will slice the cheese."  This is the result...

I need to learn to be very specific when it comes to my words.  When I looked at his plate in horror he informed me "well, you said you didn't care how much I sliced... so long as I sliced it."

He's right.

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