January 26, 2012


Tuesday evening I was informed by my Momma that she signed one of the Demon's tests.  I was shocked - speechless even.  That is not typical behavior of my Momma.  She's always referred the Demon to me if he ever questions anything that she feels I should explain.  She has always told me if he confided anything in her that she felt I should be more aware.  I'm still not exactly sure the reasoning behind her signing the test but what I do know is that it won't happen again.  I never did see the social studies test but I was told he earned an "F".

Fast forward to yesterday.  Each Wednesday a folder is brought home with tests from the previous week.  This week it was filled more so than usual.  It turns out that he never gave the folder to me last week, therefore the folder had double the surprises!




I just have no idea what to do about this kid.  He's been grounded for so long that it doesn't even phase him anymore.  After finding out about the whole - ask Gma to sign my Social Studies test so I can hide it from my big bad mean mommy - situation I've taken away the last luxury he had... the TV.  After his homework he has been allowed to join me and watch evening TV.  Not anymore.  He is to come home, do homework, break for dinner, do homework, study, read and then go to bed.

He struggles in so many of his classes but he loves to write...

...and he enjoys to learn and inform other people about God.  I think he needs to spend some time praying to God to help him focus on his school work - he needs all the help he can get.

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