December 30, 2011

When in doubt, just ramble!

Christmas came and went with little noise.  The boys received everything on their lists.  Success!  I love that I have a small family.  I love that our holidays are drama free.  I love that we've made it the last 6 months with no 911 calls or hospital stays... that may be a new record around these parts!  I hope mentioning that fact doesn't jinx us going into 2012.

Speaking of 2012, anyone have big plans for New Years Eve?  Me?  I'm having a game night.  It will be small - probably just my sister-in-law and the boys but it will be fun!!  We're planning on partying in our PJ's which is never a bad thing.  Normally, we all choose 2 games and draw from a hat and I'm sure that tradition will continue on New Years.  Hopefully, we'll get to play some of the new games that the boys received for Christmas!

Since this is my last post of 2011 I wanted to give a final 2011 update everyone on my weight loss.  BOO!  I can't even remember what my "goal" was but I am sure I failed.  At the point of my greatest loss I hit 24 lbs.  Unfortunately, I have since gained back about 12 of those pounds.  As of yesterday, I am signed back up with Weight Watchers.  As much as I hate counting points and "dieting" I need to admit to myself I need help.  I know the idea behind Weight Watchers works.  I know that I need to be accountable for what I eat and how much I exercise.  The reality is... I need to lose a lot of weight.  A lot = 80lbs.  I'd be THRILLED with 50lbs.  But.. I need to look at short term goals or I will give up.  Since I'm a filthy liar and WW makes it very easy to lie with their food tracker and I'm sure I will even lie to myself ...I need a second set of eyes to watch the scale.  I'm also lazy.. much too lazy to actually GO to WW meetings.  Because of those things (being a lazy liar) I have entrusted my super secret weight with the Demon.  I will weigh in each week and the Demon will update my weight tracker.  I have threatened bodily harm if he reveals the results to anyone!  But, since another set of eyes will be monitoring my loss/gain it's more accountability.  

So consider this your warning.  When I return to the land of blogging I will certainly be hungry, miserable and irritable.  I will complain and moan about everything.  Just nod and agree with me... and tell me what I'm doing is for the best!  And in the probable event that I mention standing on rooftops with a gun to take out anyone talking about good food...offer a cyber hug or you may be the next victim of my dieting wrath!

Have a happy, healthy and safe new year!!  Cya's in 2012!!!

1 comment:

  1. Game night sounds wonderful. I hope you all have a great time!!

    You can do the weight loss thing. Its hell pure hell but if you really want it you can do it. I am looking to join the weight loss band wagon myself. So I will be there with you mentally and keeping faith that you can and will do this!

    Much <3 to you and K always!!! :)
