November 14, 2011

"they" say...

i've often heard people say "choose to be happy".  really?  i'm trying to consciously make that choice every day.  i wake up and think today is the day.  today i will choose to be happy.  i go right into the shower and i realize i'm not happy.  i go through the motions and get ready for work.  if i'm lucky, a fun song will come on while driving the demon to school and we laugh and sing.  then, it's off to work.  every conversation i have during the day i fake a smile.  i really force myself to laugh if something someone says should get a laugh.  all day long i hope that no one comes back to my little dark hole of an office.  i hope that the phone doesn't ring so that i don't have to fake friendliness.  after work i grab the demon come home and sit.  sometimes i sleep...sometimes through dinner.  sometimes i force myself to dance.  i eat crap.  then i will waste the night away online.  during the week i really try to lay down by 1am to sleep.  the weekends?  i'm lucky to be asleep by 3am.

do people actually choose to be sad?  am i making the choice to be miserable?  

i suppose i make the choice to sit on my ass instead of getting up and dancing.

i suppose i make the choice to stay home instead of going out with friends. 

i suppose i make the choice to lay down and nap instead of dancing.

thanksgiving is next week.  i have so much to be thankful for this year.  

do people have to force themselves to decorate for the holidays?  is that normal?

why am i choosing to stay stuck?

1 comment:

  1. :( Sometimes it can't be helped. You can't always force yourself out of this funk without help. I wish there was something I could do for you! <3
