September 19, 2011

Renfest 2011!

I just realized that I only blogged one day last week.  What the crap!?  I have to get better.  We were busy over the weekend.  Friday the Demon got a haircut then we were off to try to find some cool weather clothes.  Again, he hates shopping for clothes so the less time we have to be out the better.  Because we were going to the Renaissance Festival Saturday, I knew I had to find him some pants that fit!

Despite a quick rain shower (no one told us it was supposed to rain!!) Saturday was full of fun...and spending money.  It's never cheap to attend the RenFest, but it's always a good time.  Here are just a few shots from Saturday....

It always easy to get the boys to "play the part" in pictures.

Shortly after we arrived we were looking over the schedule of events.  
We were sure we had missed the parade.  
We didn't!  It's great to see the people in costume, truly playing the part.

Too morbid?  lol  Not for us!

The boys love to show off how strong they are.

They tried on hats, and enjoyed the mud show!

While we were walking in my brother commented how the Demon is losing weight.  
We'd like to think he's not losing weight (well, because he's not) but rather
he is growing.  Lengthening... yeah!  We'll go with that. 

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