September 13, 2011

Top Ten V.2

Grrr.  I missed blogging  yesterday.  WTF happened to my "blog for 10 minutes" goal!?  Well, it went out the window.  But let's get to it.. this weeks top ten.

01.  The Demon is sick.  He's home today for the second day in a row.  The most interesting part of the Demon being sick this week is that he was sick this very week last year.  I went to refill his inhaler script and it had expired 9/7/11!  What a coincidence.

02.  It's no secret to anyone here that I love me some reality TV.  I watch Hair Battle Spectacular.  Why!?  This show is so stupid lame that I often think to myself... "Really?  I just sat through another hour of this crap!?"  But then a fight occurs on the show and a chic punches a dude - and it makes it worth while.  :)

03.  This weekend we're planning on going to the RenFest!  I hope to have many, many pictures for Monday.

04.  I'm tired.  I have a feeling that this topic may appear on each and every random Top Ten.  

05.  There has been only a handful of Horror movies that I've had to turn off before the end.  Not because of the gross out factor - but because of the fact I am BORED out of my mind.  Repo! The Gentic Opera was added to that list on Saturday.

06.  Yesterday the temperature climbed back into the 80's.  UGH.  Too hot!!  I want my high 60's - low 70's back.  I especially want the weather cooler for Saturday.

07.  I have yet to lose a single lb since being home from the hospital... over a month.  I'm a huge failure.

08.  Grannie's 88th birthday is tomorrow.  It's been another rough year with Grannie.. but she's made it!

09.  I need a freakin' haircut!

10.We have a very loud cricket in our basement.  It's so loud that it just has to be huge.  I'm too afraid to go looking for it out of fear the damn thing is going to jump on me... so it is probably going to die somewhere in my very messy basement.  Ugh, they really aren't that scary.

... it's almost Wednesday - halfway to the weekend!

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