August 28, 2011

sunday lazy day.

what?  a sunday blog?  well, that's what happens when i'm feeling extra lazy, kid free, and one of my all time favorite movies happens to be on TV.  you know the kind of movie that, no matter how many times you've seen it, if you catch it on television you'll watch it again without fail?  deep blue sea is that movie for me.  maybe it's the sharks?  or maybe it's the super sexy ll cool j.. whatever it is, i'm watching it right now when i should be cleaning the house, or pulling weeds, or attempting to close the pool. (hmm, for some reason i think i may have talked about deep blue sea before on my blog.  if i weren't so lazy i'd go back and check)

here is what i have on my mind this sunday...

1.  i've changed the blog back to my normal black/dark blog.  i prefer this look better - it's more me.  i need to update the header picture as this one is really more a spring/summer picture.  i joke, a lot, with the boys that we need a day for me to just take pictures.  maybe one day that will happen.  in any case, i apologize to those that read if this layout hurts your eyes.  

2.  tomorrow the demon starts his first full week back to school.  so far so good with him and his "new" colon.  everything seems to be working wonderfully and i hope and pray he continues to improve.  so far the school work has been review.  he keeps telling everyone how "easy" his homework is, let's cross our fingers that this year is an "easy" year for him.

3.  yesterday porky's was on tv.  it's been years since i've watched this movie and seeing it on tv reminded me that i actually have the VHS copy!  so, instead of watching the lame tv edited version i pop in my tape.  ahhhh memories.  when i was looking for my video i happened across acrachniphobia.  another great movie! so i decided to throw that one in after porky's.  however, my VCR rejected it.  probably because the whole VCR/VHS "thing" is so outdated and lame.  but, i really wanted to watch this movie now!  the beast and i head to the mall to exchange his shoes and i go into the movie store and order (because since obviously no one else in the cincinnati area would want arachniphobia the store does not stock the hard copy) the movie.  i hope i still have the itch to watch it at the end of the week when the movie will arrive at the store.  probably i should go through all of my VHS movies and decide what i want to keep and consider purchasing the DVD version.  it may save me some legwork when i get the urge to watch old movies.  (i also hope that i remember that i want to pick up a copy of deep blue sea, so that my life doesn't stop when i see it on TV.)

4.  this upcoming weekend the renaissance festival starts!  last year was the first year we took the boys and they really loved the whole day.  having the demon just every other weekend we really need to pre-plan the month and decide when we want to do everything we want to cram into the fall months.  you know, like.. pumpkin farms, a final trip to kings island, a cool trip to the zoo...and anything we may find to attack before thanksgiving.

5. i just noticed that saw II is following deep blue sea on tv.  it is looking like i will be getting absolutely nothing accomplished today.

6. i can't wait for sunday afternoon bengals games!  

7.  i wish my brother worked a normal schedule so that we could all do more things, as a group, together.  i especially wish this were the case during the months of september-december.

8.  probably i should switch some laundry during the next commercial so that today isn't a total waste.

9.  if i made more lists, like this blog, i would accomplish a lot during my week/weekend.

10.  i want to start cooking more dinners.  if you know me at all you also know that i am not domesticated in the kitchen.  well at all, but really,  the extent of my "cooking" meals has always been pork chops, chicken (but only italian chicken), cottage ham.. simple crap like that.  last year i ventured into crock pot meals and never tried hard enough.  this  year that's going to change.  i want to put more effort into eating more than frozen pizza, delivery pizza, and take out.  especially during the cold months.

and there you have it.  my random sunday blog when i should be doing much more productive things with my time but instead am sitting her watching a movie i've seen at least 24 times (this year alone).

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