October 4, 2010


We made it to Kings Island yesterday.  It was a great day... very chilly & windy.. but a perfect day to enjoy some Halloween fun.

Both boys dressed for cool weather.  Although, they should have dressed for cold weather. 

I don't know who was more excited to see Snoopy?  

My brother...

...or the boys.

Seriously?  what's up with my blurry pictures...

After riding a few rides...

...and posing with some friends...

 .. we headed toward Howl-O-Fest.

The boys went from station to station collecting candy.

Then we went to pick out our pumpkins...

The Beast decorating...
Demon hard at work..

The Beast

I searched and searched for the curly q stemmed punkins.

A couple more pictures...

...and we were finally frozen enough to call it quits.

The fact that there was very little wait time for any ride made the cold temps bearable.

All in all, a perfect day.

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