August 10, 2011

it's okay.

i love a dinner that people laugh so hard that choking and spiting of food occur..even if i'm the one that is doing the choking.  it's all good so long as it's followed by tears of laughter.  i think people of golden corral may have applauded as we walked out the door.  and, that is okay.

i love school shopping.. even if the total for the bill is close to $200.  i love laughing so loudly in target that my nephew and brother are able to find the demon and i from across the store.  i'm sure people may have applauded as we left target too.  and, that is okay.

after the summer that my brother and i have had, i love that we had 2 hours of roaring laughter.. even if it was for only 2 hours.

today the demon has a follow up appointment with the surgeon.  i'm confident that he will be happy with the way the wound is looking (i'll spare you the pictures, although, if you're a friend of mine on facebook you've seen it :)) and hopefully we can decrease the frequency of the dressing changes.  after the hospital we are going to the zoo.  a much needed mommy and son day at the zoo.  i'm sure pictures will soon follow.

and, maybe...just maybe, more laughter will follow as well.

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