August 11, 2011

a good day.

ignore the white, it's desitin.

what a great doctor appointment we had yesterday.  okay, so the doctor was running an hour late.  okay, so we didn't get to go to the zoo because - 1. it was packed and 2. we didn't get out of the doctor until almost 4:30 pm.  but, we didn't care.  the demon was cleared to swim!  we only have to change the dressing twice a day!  

since the surgery the demon makes about 7-10 trips to the bathroom.  seems like a lot, and it is, but it's trips that are cramp free... blood free... disease free - which makes such frequent trips not all that bad.  the only problem we do run into is that we need to be by a bathroom, especially after eating.  another plus from the doctor appointment was that he added imodium into the mix.  he's supposed to take 1 tablet in the morning and 2 at night.  hopefully, that will allow the demon to sleep through the night without making the 1-3 bathroom trips overnight and lessen the trips during the day.

i think *i* can tell a difference with the wound.. can you?  it appears smaller.  it looks "healthier" too, if that's possible.  but, who knows?  maybe it's just me and i'm seeing what i want to see.  

whatever the case... it was a good day.

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