July 22, 2011

That dang tube has *got* to go!

Last night was not bad, not bad at all.  I think we're both used to the alarms that randomly go off if the Demon breathes wrong or his heart rate decides to increase/decrease.  I have managed to sleep through nurses coming into the room around 3/4am.. but I haven't mastered sleeping through their entire stay.  At some point during their time in the room I wake up for a few seconds - but usually can fall back to sleep.  

At the crack of dawn (usually 7am) the rounds begin.  First, the surgeon team comes through.  We were told that hopefully the NG tube would come out today.  Well, we've heard that song and dance before and we knew to not get our hopes up.  Next the surgeon came in and gave the green light!  We knew, hearing it from the big guy that it was a done deal.  So all we could do is wait it out...

After the surgeon came through the pain team came to see how the Demon was handling his pain.  He received a nerve block immediately after surgery yesterday.  It lasted for about 12 hours so this morning he was feeling the pain.  Even so, he was able to control the pain with the morphine pump that he has control over.  Along with the morphine he is getting IV Tylenol around the clock - every 6 hours.

Once they left the nurse came in and yanked that sucka' out!

see?!  no nose tube. :)

After that.. the demon was all smiles - again. 

Once the tube came out it was important that he get up and get moving.  We need to "wake up the bowels".  The nurses and doctors roaming the hallway, as we slowly walked by them, were so impressed with his determination.  He knows exactly what he has to do to get out of here...and he will do it!  He did about 5 laps around the floor today.  Finally, around 5pm he got the "all clear" to eat/drink a clear liquid diet.

As I type this.. he's sleeping. 

sorry for the blur.. it's dark in here!

As for me?  I'm trying to pass the time.  Not only am I taking the time to blog (insert a pat on the back for me!)  I am Facebooking, wasting time on the moms site I'm a member, and watching one of the kickass movies we've brought to the hospital.

What's on tap for tonight?  Right now I'm watching Clue (for about the 78th time of my life <3).  I think next, once the Demon wakes up, we'll throw in Season 1 of Roseanne.  It's not like we've seen it recently.. oh yeah.. we watched up to season 4 during our last stay.  What can I say?  We love our Roseanne.

Hopefully, this time tomorrow I will be able to brag about how he's moved on to a soft diet and he's farting up a storm! :) :)

Ohhhhh.   I almost forgot.  I need to do a HUGE shout out to the Beast.  He has stepped up beyond belief to help out with the household crap that I am not able to do while being here at the hospital.  He was great during the surgery keeping the demon's dad and me entertained.  He's been staying at my grandma's making sure the dog and kitties are being fed and watered.  He's a great kid with a huge heart.  As soon as the Demon is healthy I owe you both a day/night dedicated to whatever you both choose to do.

1 comment:

  1. He is looking great!!!!! Continued prayers for a quick recovery and that the farts come soon. :D
