July 23, 2011

Day 3.

So... we had a rough night last night.  Not so much with his health but because he had to get up to go to the bathroom during the night (twice).  Now, if he could just get up on his own there would be no drama.  But... getting him unplugged from all the monitors and THEN helping him push the IV cart into the bathroom is not an easy task.  Especially when done at 4am.  Then I wait for him to finish up and have to hook him back up to everything. 

Zzzzz... I'd have rather been sleeping.  He took a late nap the evening before so he was not as tired as I was.  He may have watched TV most of the night as I was snoring.

After sleeping through some of the rounds (thank you for the residents asking the Demon "Should we let her sleep?" and a huge thank you for the Demon knowing to answer "Yes!")  the Demon announced - "ohhhh I have to go to the bathroom!"  And sure enough, he did.  

Here he is, giving the "thumbs up" for a job well done on the can.  lolol

Up until today he has put off showering.  During our last hospital stay, each shower resulted in his IV going bad.  I just had a feeling that the same thing would happen this time around.  This evening his dad and the nurse talked him into a shower.  While I was home for a couple hours, I received the dreaded text.  "The IV went bad."  uggggh.  When I got back I was pleasantly surprised to see he didn't have a new IV!  As long as he drinks enough he will avoid getting stuck again.  It was then that I was also told he would not be cleared to eat regular food.  He was NOT a happy patient when I returned at 8pm.  

When you do not like Jell-O, Popsicles, broth, Gatorade, or juice.. a clear liquid diet is impossible.  After a few minutes of pouting by the Demon,.. I finally was able to talk him into an Italian Ice.  So, he had a lemon Italian Ice and a Diet Green Tea for dinner. 

...and he was happy.

Currently, we're watching The Wizard of Oz, and blogging, and playing around on Facebook.  We're such multitaskers.  Hopefully, tomorrow he will be cleared for a regular diet.  If so, there's a great possibility of us going home by Monday! 

1 comment:

  1. He is too picky!! LOL Glad to hear that the plumbing is working!
