July 24, 2011

"It's great! It's like pudding."

Today the Demon was allowed regular food.  He was so excited that he chose to have plain old Frosted Flakes for breakfast.  A bland bologna & American cheese sandwich with mustard, for lunch.  And, finally... some ravioli for dinner!  Not too shabby.  

When I returned, from the few hours that I spend at home, back to the hospital I was greeted by an excited Demon.  "Go look in the bathroom!"  Now... after the past 24 hours I've seen a lot of poo.  A lot of liquid (none colon-ish) poo.  My immediate reply was "Do I have to?!?!"  He says "YES.  Go look."  I raised my shirt over my nose and walked into the bathroom...and was ecstatic!  It was not liquid diarrhea.  It was mush!  Pudding mush.  :)  I guess it's weird to be super excited about pudding poo..but it gives us hope that the Demon will be able to live a semi-normal life.  A life that will not be spent rushing to the toilet at the sudden urge of having to go to the bathroom. 

A life that is disease free. 

So if that means we celebrate pudding poo?  We will celebrate pudding poo.

you're just lucky there are no pictures to post :)


  1. love tht story lol like the last sentence

  2. ....with tears in eyes <3...... I am so happy for the both of you!

  3. Yay!!!! You have every right to celebrate pudding poo!!
