July 26, 2011

2 Day Recap!

4 Days post surgery.
Monday- The Demon was released from the hospital!!  He was feeling great.  Great being a 1-2 on the pain scale.  Keep in mind that at his worse.. the Demon was a 5, so a rating of 1-2 is pretty good.  He went with his dad around 4pm and left feeling good.  When he came home he was visibly in pain.  He was complaining of pain around the incision, nausea and gas pain.  It was time for his pain pill so I gave that to him along with some nausea medication.  I thought that maybe a warm shower may help the gas pain so off he went.  About 10 minutes after getting out of the shower he races for the toilet to throw up.  Ewww.  Now, at this point I don't know whether it's time to panic or not.  I calmly call the surgeon on call - only to get the operator and be told that they will call me back - which never happened.  Thankfully, he felt a lot better after yacking.  He and the Beast stayed awake until 1am and he took another pain pill and slept through the night.  :)

Tuesday- We wake up bright and early (10am) and he drinks his gross probiotic shake.  This is to help keep the J pouch healthy.  After each meal, he had the same gas pain.  All day long I attempted to call the surgeon to schedule his followup appointment and was sent directly to their fax line?!  grrrrr.  I'll try again tomorrow.  I bought some GasX and hope that keeps him pain free.  Right now he's feeling fine :)

The big news is .... the pool is uncovered!  Here are the "before" pictures.

Right now, the pool is full and the pump is running.  I'm planning on the ladder being able to go in by Thursday or Friday and the boys swimming by Monday!  However, nothing I have ever planned has ever occurred with this freakin' pool so if anything major comes up and more $$ has to spent on this POS, then the cover is going back on and we'll try again next year! 

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