August 2, 2011


What a difference a day makes. 

I posted 1 week ago today about how great the Demon was doing with his recovery.  Overnight, everything went to hell.  He started vomited and was in intense pain.  I have never seen him in such pain.  After talking with the surgeon on call and after the Demon vomited a second time we were off to the ER.  An xray showed a post op ileus.  I tried to google all sorts of information on the topic but it was all greek to me.  In simple terms, it was a swelling of his intestines making the passage of food/stool impossible.  The treatment was total bowl rest.  No eating or drinking for the first 24 hours.  On Thursday he was allowed clear liquids.  By Friday he was okay'd to eat soft foods...then gradually he was allowed regular food.

Overnight Friday he started to develop a fever.  Typical, considering we were planning on coming home Friday.  Saturday a catscan was ordered and after many hours the results were told to us.  An abscess, or a collection of fluids (infection), had developed under the ostomy site.  Really?!  Saturday night he was "opened up" bedside in an attempt to drain the abscess.  Nothing.  Ahhh.. 

Sunday - the wound started to drain.  The new plan was to take him to the OR and open him up to correctly (and completely) drain the abscess and let him heal up with the hopes of us going home Tuesday.  The consent forms were signed and we were finally ok with the idea of him having to go back into surgery.  We had a plan in place and an end in sight.  Yaaaaay!

Monday - Surgery was canceled because they (doctors/surgeons) were happy with the way the wound is draining.  The new, new plan was to send him to get an ultrasound on Wednesday to see how the abscess now looked, after a few days of draining.  Again, we were happy with some sort of plan in place.

Monday snackin' on some candy.
Tuesday (today) - Ultrasound is canceled because they (doctors/surgeons) are happy with the way the wound is draining (sound familiar?).  They said that even if the ultrasound showed the abscess still there, the treatment plan would not change.  Wait it out, and let the wound drain.  The new, new, NEW plan is to watch and wait during the day on Wednesday and teach me how to pack the wound and change the dressing.  After watching the nurses do this over the past 3 days, I'm confident we can do this at home.

Tuesday - eating a couple cheese coneys!
(ignore the craptastic quality of my cell camera)

If we go home Thursday, our original textbook 5 day hospital stay will have turned into a 14 day stay.

As far as the Demon?  He's doing great.  No fever in over 24 hours.  The only pain he experiences is when the gauze packing is changed and that pain quickly dissipates once the wound is covered.  We're all extremely disappointed with the fact that he will, most likely, not be swimming this summer.  I'm not quite sure how long it will take the wound to heal/close.  I can only hope and pray that he's good to go by the end of August when school starts.  

I appreciate everyone!  Their good thoughts, their prayers, their texts of support, their offering to drop everything to just come sit with me while we're here.  It amazes me the wonderful friends I've made over the last couple years.  We're blessed to have you in our lives!

PS- Happy Birthday to my Momma!!!  We've now missed 2 birthdays.  My brother and my Momma...we hope to have a welcome home/birthday party when we finally get home!!

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