June 23, 2011

Pink is for boys too... right?

I used to be the perfect dog owner.  I used to spend all sorts of money on dog beds or pads for Truck in his cage.  I would wash them as often as I remembered (which unfortunately wasn't often enough) and would reuse the covers or bedding.  Too much hair!  Once we had to get the new dryer I knew I couldn't gross this one up with dog hair.  So..instead of buying a new bed every so often I found that buying cheap fleece blankets was the way to go!  At Walgreens or CVS you can usually get 2/$10 or 2/$7.  Which made throwing them away after a couple of months not such a hard thing to do. 

When I walked into the house yesterday the living room smelled like old dog!  Old wet dog.  The smell reminded me the dog needed new blankets.  I tell the Demon it's time to clean the dog cage.  He goes to the drawer, a drawer he always claims is full of blankets (because every time I'm out I want to pick up a couple), and informs me we have no more!  Grrrr....  off to Walgreens we go.

Once there, not much of a selection.  Well, they have quite a few - they just happened to be pink!  Don't get me wrong.  I have nothing against men wearing pink.  The Demon likes wearing pink.  He requests pink shirts..especially pink polos.   But for my dog!!??  At this point, I had no choice.

Cute huh?  Maybe for a 4 year old little girl!! Or a cutesy poodle or yorkie!  Not for a manly dog named Truck!  It's much too dainty for a poop eating gross dog! haaaaa.

You think Spike is going to poke fun?  LOL  He looked like "Wtf is going on here?  Did we get a girl?"  No Spike, no girl.. just an unprepared pet owner that now is probably going to give her manly, poop eater a complex!  Hopefully, the only thing he'll concern himself with is the fact that his cage smells good and he, once again, has clean fluffy blankies to sleep on.


  1. My daughter would love those blankets! LOL Tell Truck it's either pink or no blankets at all.

  2. Lol!! I love it! Hank has a pastel blue bandana with pink and lavender kitties on it:) the husband about strokes out every time I put it on him. Hank seems cool with it. He knows he's whipped and the 7lb cat owns him.

  3. I have found blankets/comforters at St. Vincent de paul and goodwill. VERY cheap! Just wash in hot water to avoid bed bugs lol!
