June 26, 2011

1:30 am

It's late.. or early?  I guess it depends on how you look at things.  If you were up all day/night and still up at 1:30 am I suppose you'd say "Whoa this is late."  If you were my brother, and had to wake up at midnight to go into work, I suppose you'd say "Ugh, this is early!!".  Any which way you look at it, it's 1:30 am and I am HUNGRY.

I want to eat.

Pig out.

I have the Beast this weekend and I can hear them upstairs talking and cracking up.  Last night, they didn't go to bed until almost 2:00 am.  It was even later before all the laughing and talking stopped and they finally fell asleep.  It was then that I raided the kitchen.  I sat down here almost angry that they were still awake.  How can I go into the kitchen and cram my face with pretzels rods and dip and a bowl of ice cream with them still awake to "catch" me eating.

I suck.

I will never eat like that in front of people.  I'm sure there is some eating disorder associated with what I do and what am going through but the bottom line is I have NO self control and apparently do not care.  So, instead of waiting for them to sleep tonight to go in there and binge... I'm typing.

Randomly typing - so you all have my permission (and encouragement) to hit the "X" now and go do something more productive.  lol

Tomorrow (or I guess it's later today) we have plans to go to the Zoo!  I haven't had a chance to take my camera the last few times we have gone because of rain so I was excited to be going tomorrow.  As I was wasting my life playing around on Facebook  I was updated that rain showers are moving in for the morning.  Really!?!  Grrr.  Maybe I'll bring it anyway.  Sometimes the animals are extra active with the rain.  Hopefully my next blog entry will not be one of me whining about how the rain destroyed my camera. (I'm still hungry)

So far the weekend has been pretty chill.  The boys each got their hair cut, we played some Putt Putt, enjoyed some Creamy Whip and, of course, experienced loads of laughter.  (hungry and irritated) 

It's now almost 2 am and it's gotten very quiet upstairs.  Thank God!  We have to be up early tomorrow morning and the Beast is... well a Beast in the mornings.  He's the exact opposite of the Demon when it comes to waking up.  Speaking of sleep, I guess I should try to get some myself.  I'm more like the Beast when it comes to mornings than the Demon.  

Not a morning person.   (going to bed hungry as hell)

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