May 3, 2011

I did it!!!

After a really rough week of diet I made my goal of 10lbs in April!!  I weighed in on Sunday and was down a total of 5.8lbs for the week.  Wow.  All the hunger and diet madness paid off!  As of Sunday, I am down 20.2 lbs since January.  Not exactly where I wanted to be, but I am happy nonetheless.   In January, I wanted to be down 30lbs by the end of May.  If I maintain my cool and stay strong, I know I can do this.

However, I had a little slip up Sunday evening.  While some people cheat on their diets with chocolate, chips, cake or ice cream - I grabbed the oyster crackers.  I was shoveling those bastards in my mouth like I was some crack addict that needed her fix.  Her carb fix!  I don't know how many I ate, but I didn't completely finish the bag.  That's a plus... right!?

I was disappointed in myself.  I managed to survive a game night without cheating.  I managed to survive all week! I guess it could have been worse than some crackers?  At least that is what I'm telling myself.  Monday was a fresh start and I'm back on track!  I mean, when I look at it I don't even have 10lbs to lose in May.  I have 9.8lbs to lose!  :)

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