April 18, 2011


The last few days have been a fog.  The sickness took me down over the weekend and took me down hard.  By Sunday evening I was okay enough to clear the kitchen sink and help the Demon do the laundry.  I even managed to drag the vacuum throughout the living and dining room.  I am so very thankful it was a "Demon weekend" because he helped everyone out in every way imaginable.

Friday, as I crawled off of the couch to try and toast a bagel my phone rang.  It was my mom saying that my Grannie called into her, from the kitchen, asking for me to come over right away.  AHHH.  I ran.  Keep in mind, I had just woken up and was feeling very ill.  Apparently, Grannie was coming up the basement steps, misjudged the last step and gashed her shin pretty good.  It didn't look as if it needed stitches, but I definitely didn't want to be the one to make that call.  However, I was too sick to take her and there was no need to call 911.  I called my brother and he came and took care of business!  Hours later.. no stitches needed. 

Weight loss update!

lbs lost:  2.5
lbs left:  2.5

Probably, the sickness can be thanked for the weight loss.  I haven't been able to exercise since Wednesday.  After I hit this 10lb goal.. I must lose another 10 by May 30th!  That will make my goal of a 30lb loss by May 30th a reality. 

Today is tax day!!  I survived another tax season.  
