April 12, 2011


I don't know what caused me to wake up and look at my phone, but at 5:54 am I did just that.  I freaked OUT.   It was over an hour later than we were supposed to wake up.  I jumped up, turned on my light and grabbed a towel.  There was NO WAY I was going to be late AND stinky.  So I screamed into the Demon's room.. "WAKE UP!  WE'RE LATE!!  WE HAVE TO BE LEAVING IN 10 MINUTES!!"

I brushed my teeth WHILE I showered.  Washed my face at the sink... and did my makeup.  Because, again,  I may not have been able to wash my damn hair, but I was NOT going to go out with an undone face.  :)  I think I'm a bit vain.  In fact, I know it.  How is such a fat ass also vain?!  haaaa.  I was paranoid the entire time I was there that my hair looked gross.  In fact, I asked the Demon "Does my hair look dirty?"  His response?  "No, not dirty.  Just cruddy."  LOL  Thanks, jerk!!

We arrived at the hospital only 5 minutes late.  I blame the rain :).

The MRI went surprisingly smoothly.  He drank the crap like a champ and didn't complain once.  I was worried that - after drinking all of that sugary junk - he'd have to rush out of the MRI procedure to use the bathroom.  But, he didn't.  The whole procedure was not very long - about 40 minutes - but VERY loud.  The only MRI experience I have is having one on my knee.  I don't remember it being loud.

After his MRI we planned on visiting a close friend of mine and her daughter.  She was scheduled to have surgery and the Demon wanted to go to the gift shop and surprise the little girl with a gift.  He's so caring and giving.  

I hope this whole blog makes sense.  I've been really cutting food and increasing my water intake.  I'm freakin' hungry, grumpy..and have been a bit out of it.  I can also blame Benadryl.   Allergies suck!


  1. I can't believe you did all that in ten minutes!! LOL! Glad the MRI went well. I, personally, think they're scary. I'm a wimp ;-)

  2. I think if you are in any way claustrophobic it could be terrifying!

  3. I am so glad it went smoothly! And my daughter loved the gift! Thanks for coming by!! :)

  4. I wish I could visit again! I feel awful :(
