April 4, 2011

Where the HELL have you been!?

For years I have been missing a little hat that sits nicely on this stand...

I have kept this stand because I just couldn't understand where the little hat went?  The only thing I could think of was that one of the damn kitties (Spike!!) found it and took it somewhere to eat play with.  I looked under the stand, in toy boxes - all over the house - but it was nowhere to be found.

Saturday, I finally decided it was time to throw the stand away.  Again, I asked the Demon - "Are you sure you've never seen the hat!?"  He replied like always - "I have no idea what you're talking about!!  I've never seen a hat!!"  In the trash it went.

About 11pm that night the Demon went to put Truck out one last time.  He said "HERE is a hat."  I had no idea what he was talking about.  I said "So?  Hang it on your stand there."  (A familiar conversation in our house.)  I was confused.  He said "NO, the stupid little hat that you've been talking about?  I don't know, I've never seen this before."

WTF?!  I ran to see..and sure enough...

.. there it was!!??  Why did it just appear?  Where has it been for the past 2 years or so?  Why would it appear on the dining room floor.. the same room we've been in all day?  The same room that I was standing in, just hours before, and decided to throw the stand away!!??  I ran to the  garbage can - WHICH was empty because I had just replaced the bags (another crazy coincidence) and took the stand back out!

Okay, so it's probably ugly.. but DAMNIT.. I'm so happy I found it!!  My grandma gave this to me years ago and I held on to that stand with the hopes of eventually finding it.  

Saturday, April 2, 2011... I did.

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