April 1, 2011


*a totally random blog*

* I was looking through pictures that I had saved on a flash drive.  I notice that one of the folders was empty.  I think "Eh, delete!"  All of a sudden it's telling me that 68 items are being deleted.  WTF?  I sat there with a blank look on my face.  What did I just do?  I don't even know what "items" were there to be deleted?  Hopefully nothing that I am going to miss.

*Thank God it's the weekend.  I'm ready to do nothing but sleep.

*I've posted pictures before of the Demon and his weird habit of sleeping in his clothes inside out.  Last night was no different.  The first picture I took he refused to smile.  In fact, as I got him to smirk he made me take another picture completely straight-faced.  However, it's my blog and I like this picture better :) .

This is much more... "Demon". 

*As I was taking random pictures... he stopped me to ask what his "best side" is.  What do you think?

My vote:  the right picture.

*Of course, the kitties could not be left out of the photo shoot.

their eyes are always f'd up.. can't figure that out just yet.

*The final random thought for this post is.. my gym shoes.  I am the type of person that has to love a pair of shoes before laying down big bucks.  I will pay any amount of money for gym shoes IF I love them.  Here is my current pair...(note they are Adidas, my first pair of "non Nike" gym shoes in over 20 years.)

Now, I don't need a new pair of shoes.  I want a new pair.  Nothing has jumped out at me!  Frustrating. I had to lay down $80 for a new pair for the Demon.. how is that fair!?  I walked out with nothin'.  I give up a lot for the Demon.  I rarely get new clothes.   I color my own hair most of the time.  I rarely have a life.  (Not that I'm complaining.. he IS my life.) One thing I will not give up is... my gym shoes!  I gotsa' find me a pair that I fall in love with.. he can't be the only one sportin' new shoes.

1 comment:

  1. And suddenly, I have Run DMC going through my head:

    My Adidas
    walk through concert doors
    and roam all over coliseum floors
    I stepped on stage, at Live Aid
    All the people gave an applause that paid
    And out of speakers I did speak
    I wore my sneakers but I'm not a sneak
