March 31, 2011

Another step closer...

We saw the GI doctor today.  We now have some dates for the MRI Enterography and the Upper Capsule Endoscopy.   I still have to make an appointment for a physical in May.  At the end of April he has his last infusion of Remicade.  Before you know it, I'll be posting the night before - panicking about having to be at the hospital before dawn to have him admitted for surgery!

As much as Facebook is a HUGE time suck for me.. it's also been a great resource for both the Demon and me during these past couple years.  There is a group of people that suffer with IBD - specifically Ulcerative Colitis.  Many of them attempt (and do so successfully) control their disease with diet.  Most have to rely on some form of medication.  And there are a few that have gone through surgery.  Reading their stories and updates are so helpful.  The Demon is already excited and ready for this.. but reading other people share their personal success stories post surgery is amazing.  I'm glad I finally caved and joined FB so long ago!

Probably I should be working....

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