April 25, 2011

Happy Easter!

Our Easter Holiday was very relaxed and stress free.  We chose to go with take out for dinner.  What's the best we could come up with?  Popeye's chicken!!  MMMMM.  It was the meal I had on Fat Tuesday..and I ended my meatless lent (okay, I cheated once) with the same meal! (Tomorrow I start a no nonsense diet.. I better get my fat in while I can.)

The night before the Demon did some egg dying.

(check out those lashes!)

Laser eyed Spike was curious as to what was going on but Tookie was a good boy and just watched.

Of course there was some eating too.

(it was cracked...we had to eat it!)

And the final product...

This was the first year I relinquished all of my control and let the Demon do it all.

I'm glad I did.  I loved just sitting back and watching him do what he does best.. be creative.

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