March 21, 2011

Whew, whatta weekend!

Actually, it was pretty boring but we can thank the Demon for that.

Friday - The Demon was off school.  The night before he decided that spending the night at his dads house (because down there he is (was) allowed to be on his computer) was the right choice.  In doing so, he did not take his medication Thursday night.  He did not switch his laundry (leaving his clothes for a second night in the washer) Not only that but his lack of studying for his math test resulted in a "F".  Since, I was very angry about what happened the night before and the fact that as I was leaving for work he was not home yet, I decided that talking to him while at work was not the best idea.  I left a note informing him that he was now grounded from television and not allowed to go outside.  He thought that his punishment was hard before?  Well he hadn't seen anything yet.  After speaking with his dad, and letting him know that the Demon was using our household rules against each other, I hope he finally realizes that we have to work together.  Friday ended early for the Demon, because he was "so bored" he went to bed before 11pm.  It also ended with him wanting to go to his dads house every weekend :(

Saturday - After being on lockdown all day Friday the Demon was going stir crazy.  I made a deal with him.  He had to do all his "normal" chores then go above and beyond.  Above and beyond meant that I was not going to point him in the direction that I thought he should go.  He cleaned the dining room, his bedroom, put away his clothes, cleaned the litter boxes and cleaned up the dog poo in the back yard.  He chose to go above and beyond by cleaning up the backyard and the garage.  He earned himself an hour of free time.  I mean, don't prisoners get at least an hour of rec time?  I think he is entitled to that.  He set a timer and chose to play around on his computer.  We also had to get his haircut on Saturday and as I was talking to my brother he mentioned The Beast also needing a haircut.  I ran to pick him up and he was allowed to spend the night.  The Demon asked for an advance on his rec time and chose to play outside for an hour with the Beast... he then had no rec time on Sunday.

Sunday - Laundry, laundry, trying to talk me into advancing him rec time, cuddling, laundry, some cleaning, and more laundry.

So... all in all the weekend started with the Demon wanting to spend every weekend with his dad.. to us cuddling on the couch - even though he's on lockdown.   Not such a terrible 3 days.


  1. Clay actually said something about going to spend the night at his dad's house even though he hasn't called in 3 months. I was like, "why? because you can use the computer there". I am DONE fighting with him about grades. The kid has had everything taken away.
    I do like your idea of earning free time. I think I'm going to use that.

  2. It was hard for me giving him that hour of free time but in the end it made life a little easier on the both of us during a very stressful time. It gives him something to work toward, especially because he wants to get on the computer.
