March 18, 2011


While I am happy that we now can see a definite light at the end of the tunnel, I don't think I'm as excited about my baby having surgery as he seems to be.  I'm scared to death.  However, he has no fear at all.

...and that's the way it needs to stay. 


  1. It definitely needs to stay that way. Kids have no concept of the possible complications. I miss that innocence!

  2. Love this! It definitely needs to stay that way. Kids aren't supposed to worry, that's left to the parents.

  3. I agree! I can rely on my friends to keep me positive. lol

  4. It's great that he is going into this happy! Everything will work out! Try not to worry too much mom!!

  5. I'm glad he has no fear. I fear surgeries, and have since a child, and I'm glad he is going into it cheerfully...I think it will make everything go as smoothly as possible!
