March 24, 2011

What the...?

Today is a "what day is it, when can I take a nap, huh?, zzz, who?, so tired..." kind of day.  I've consumed a load of sugar and I hope that it quickly takes effect (or affect?  I'm too tired to care.) .  I've written 2010 instead of 2011 twice today, and it's not even 9am.  I need an IV of whatever the main ingredient is in the 5 hr energy drinks.  I'll settle for the caffeine in my Cherry Coke to kick in.  I'm thankful that it's cold today as I think it's the only thing keeping my eyes open right now.  

Tuesday I managed to be in bed before midnight!  Last night?  It was after 1am.  Why!!??  I didn't nap.  I didn't drink anything with caffeine close to bedtime. However, I did forget my Melatonin and Benadryl cocktail.  Lately, it's the only thing that helps me fall asleep.  But, if I don't remember to take it around 8-9pm...I'm screwed.  (and not in the good sense of the word)

I zoned out for a minute.  I think I should go outside and walk around the block.  I need to get back on track with losing weight..instead of gaining.

Maybe,...I'll just lay my head down and hope no one comes to say hi.

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