March 23, 2011

Day 2...

...of the Demon being on ultimate lockdown and he still has not brought his backpack inside after school.   I'm torn on what to do at this point.  Any suggestions?

Do I let him continue to do what he's been doing?   Not bringing home work or studying?  I've been of the mind set that I can not force him to retain information.  Sure, I can force him to sit in front of his book at the table.  But does that mean he will actually read it?  Absorb the information?  Probably not.

Do I force him to sit at the table?  Doing so is going to make the household a living hell.  We are two very strong willed - hard headed personalities that clash when it comes to many things.. especially homework.  If I make him sit at the table, tempers will flare and his colon will not be happy.  lol  

I have nothing left to take away, and frankly the Demon doesn't seem to care to go without.

I have added so many chores on top of his regular duties, and he just does them with little complaints.

I would understand and accept the Demon getting below average grades given the amount of school that he has missed this year.... if he studied and kept up with his work.  He doesn't bring home homework, he doesn't study.  So I ask... do I push him or let him fall?  Isn't a 12 yr old, 6th grader, old enough to know better?  To do better?


  1. maybe make school work his ticket to earning free time (in addition to the chores)? this is a tough one kc. you'd think at 12 he would be old enough to know better, but my point of referance is so different from most that i may not be the best judge. do they still hold kids back??? it seems like schools have gotten away from this, and everyone just passes on through. i always thought the fear of not going to the next grade with all your friends was enough of a motivator. do they give detentions for not doing homework? something?!? maybe a meeting with school counselor?

  2. i think definitely making, at least, LOOKING at his books a ticket to earning his free time is a good idea. yesterday, he knew he had to hurry and clean his room and put laundry away to get on the computer. i need to push school work above household chores, i think.
